Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF)

Research Strategies


BFRF envisions promoting action, innovative and adaptive research in the fisheries sector relevant to development needs, reduction of poverty and improvement of livelihood of the people. BFRF has given emphasis on the collaboration among the researchers and research users and uphold some stated strategies:

1. Promote participatory approach, encourage institutional collaboration, ensure equity and rights, establish ownership, capacity building, and ensure transparency at all levels in future research process

2. Maintain the momentum and cohesiveness among the forum members developed through DFID funded SUFER project and follow up the mode of its award management, close monitoring of the research progress, ensure transfer of evolved technologies through proper extension agencies for wider dissemination and adoption

3. Encourage field visits and on the spot supervision of the aquaculture, and fisheries resource management and conservation activities carried out by GO-NGOs-private sectors and strengthen linkages between research and extension.