Publications Books
[Publicaiton 01]
Advances-in-Fisheries-Research-in-Bangladesh (AFRB) |
[Publicaiton 01]
Participatory Training of Trainers |
[Publication 02]
Value Chain Analysis and Market Assessment of Coastal and Marine Aquatic Products of Bangladesh |
[Publication 03] (370 kb) Impact Assessement Experiences of three AFGRP Funded Projects in Bangladesh |
[Publication 04] (370 kb) Impact Assessement Experiences of three AFGRP Funded Projects in Bangladesh |
[Publication 05] (370 kb) Impact Assessement Experiences of three AFGRP Funded Projects in Bangladesh |
[Publication 06] (370 kb) Impact Assessement Experiences of three AFGRP Funded Projects in Bangladesh |
[Publication 07] (370 kb) Impact Assessement Experiences of three AFGRP Funded Projects in Bangladesh |